What is a Snoopy Breast Implant Deformity or Waterfall Deformity?

A snoopy deformity or snoopy dog breast deformity is a complication that can occur following a breast augmentation with implants. A breast with a snoopy deformity will have the distinct appearance of drooping breast tissue that falls below the breast implant. This gives the appearance of a sad looking snoopy dog with the nose pointed towards the ground. This deformity is sometimes also called a waterfall deformity, due to the appearance of breast tissue spilling over the breast implant like a waterfall.

We are unsure where and when plastic surgeons first began using the name “Snoopy” to describe the deformity of droopy breast tissue below a breast implant. The following illustration shows the resemblance between this breast deformity and the cartoon beagle. Snoopy is a registered trademark of Peanuts Worldwide LLC.

Snoopy Dog Breast Deformity or Snoopy Breast Deformity

What Does a Snoopy Deformity Look Like

A snoopy dog breast deformity, or a waterfall breast deformity, somewhat resembles the cartoon character with his nose pointed to the ground. Or, as the name waterfall deformity suggests, breast tissue appears to be spilling over the breast implant. More realistically however, this unfortunate breast implant deformity appears as a drooping or sagging volume of natural breast tissue that is visible below the breast implant. This leaves the breast looking disproportionate, saggy, or droopy. The deformity is distinctly different than capsular contracture which leaves an implant looking tight and distorted.

What Causes a Snoopy Dog Breast Deformity

The snoopy or waterfall breast deformity occurs most frequently in cases where the breast implant is placed beneath the pectoralis muscle and positioned too high in the chest. When an implant is placed beneath the muscle, this placement is called a submuscular or subpectoral placement. Submuscular or subpectoral implant placement does not on its own cause a snoopy deformity, however the defect can result in cases where the implant is also placed too high. A similar breast implant deformity, known as the double bubble, has a similar appearance and set of causes.

In many cases, the deformity occurs when there is already a healthy volume of breast tissue sitting over the breast implant. This breast tissue over time slides off and over the implant (thus the waterfall comparison).

How Can I Tell If I Have a Snoopy Deformity, Waterfall Deformity, or Double Bubble?

There are numerous before and after images of breast deformities online, including the famous snoopy dog defect. A board certified or board eligible plastic surgeon is best qualified to determine whether or not your breast deformity is technically a snoopy, waterfall, double bubble deformity or another kind of defect. However, if you are concerned and unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, the best option is to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon known for advanced breast revision surgery.

How To Correct or Fix a Snoopy Deformity or Waterfall Breast Deformity

As a leader in breast augmentation surgery and breast implant revision surgery in Scottsdale, Dr. Howarth is an expert at correcting the snoopy or waterfall breast implant deformities. There are many ways to do this, depending on the appearance of the deformity and needs of the patient. In many instances, the breast implant will need to be replaced and repositioned.

A breast lift may also be used to reposition the sagging or drooping breast tissue. Also, augmentation without implants, or a fat transfer auto-augmentation may be an excellent option to enhance and rejuvenate the breasts. For women with adequate breast tissue, a breast lift with fat transfer may help you reach your ideal aesthetic without the use of implants.

This illustration shows the cartoon dog and the breast tissue restored to a correct, perky position.

Before After Snoopy Breast Deformity

A Snoopy Breast Deformity is Very Frustrating

A snoopy breast deformity can be very frustrating and aesthetically displeasing. Considering that breast enhancement surgery is supposed to give a woman an improved sense of self-image and satisfaction, this deformity can leave a woman very unhappy with her breasts’ appearance. After the initial cost of the initial breast augmentation surgery, as well as the time spent recuperating, the snoopy deformity can leave a a woman very displeased and frustrated.

Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth

If you have reached this page looking for help because you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ashley Howarth, a leading female plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, AZ. Expertly trained at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Howarth is highly skilled at correcting even the most severe breast defects and deformities, including the snoopy deformity, waterfall deformity, and double bubble breast deformity.

Dr. Howarth will develop a plan to restore your breasts to their ideal position and appearance, and help you reach your goals. If you are considering breast enhancement or revision surgery in Arizona, Dr. Ashley Howarth can assist you through the process in a caring, compassionate manner.

Request a Consultation with Dr. Ashley Howarth

Snoopy Breast Deformity Plastic Surgeon - Snoopy Dog Deformity or Waterfall Deformity Plastic Surgeon


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