What are Tubular Breasts?
Tubular breasts are a condition in which the breast tissue lacks volume in both the horizontal and vertical direction, leading to tubular or tuberous breasts. Some doctors also call this condition breast hypoplasia. In general, the breast tissue does not proliferate properly during puberty, leading to a breast deformity that impacts breast shape and at times the ability for a woman to breastfeed. Important to note, there is no health risk associated with tuberous breasts, however, some women seek to correct the condition by undergoing breast augmentation surgery.
In this article, you will learn what tubular breasts look like and how to treat the condition. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth is an expert plastic surgeon known for correcting tubular breast deformity with breast augmentation surgery in Arizona.
What Do Tubular Breasts Look Like?
Tubular or tuberous breasts tend to be lacking in volume surrounding the nipple. Also, a gap greater than one and one half inches tends to occur between the breasts. In some cases, the breast tissue around the nipple appears constricted, and the areola tends to be larger. Other symptoms of tubular breasts sometimes include a narrow breast base, tight breast skin beneath the nipples, and nipples that point downwards.
How Do I Know If I Have Tubular Breasts?
A plastic surgeon can tell you if you have tubular breasts by performing a visual examination. In addition to the symptoms stated above, breast shape may be oval or pointed rather than round. The condition can affect one of both breasts. Often the breasts are asymmetrical and may even have a droopy appearance due to areolar tissue having a distinct difference in shape.
As a plastic surgeon, I often get asked by women who are unhappy with the shape and size of their breasts about the possibility of having tubular breasts. Tubular breasts, also known as tuberous breasts, are a condition where the breasts appear to be long and narrow, with a narrow base and an enlarged areola. Some women may also experience a lack of breast tissue and asymmetry. If you are concerned that you may have tubular breasts, it’s best to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, such as breast augmentation, breast lift, or a combination of both.
What Are Tubular Boobs?
Tubular boobs is a more casual way of describing tubular breasts, also known as tuberous breasts or constricted breasts. Tubular boobs are a condition where the breast tissue does not develop properly during puberty, resulting in an elongated or conical shape rather than a round or teardrop shape. This can also cause the areola (the dark area around the nipple) to appear enlarged or puffy. The exact cause of tubular breasts is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to a genetic component. Hormonal imbalances during puberty or breastfeeding can also contribute to the development of tubular breasts.
How Do I Know If I Have Tubular Boobs?
Many women who are unhappy with the shape and size of their breasts about the possibility of having tubular breasts. Tubular boobs, also known as tuberous breasts, are a condition where the breasts appear to be long and narrow, with a narrow base and an enlarged areola. Some women may also experience a lack of breast tissue and asymmetry. If you are concerned that you may have tubular breasts, it’s best to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, such as breast augmentation, breast lift, or a combination of both.
How Common is Tubular Breast Deformity?
It is difficult to know how common tubular breasts are because many cases go undiagnosed. In general, the condition is more common than most people realize. Some small breasted women who seek breast augmentation may have mild cases of tuberous breasts without realizing it. It is common, for example, for a woman to be unhappy with the shape of her breast and seek augmentation, without realizing that she has this condition. In other cases, especially when there is asymmetry, women are quite aware that one breast is significantly different in shape from the other and describe the breast as droopy or elongated.
What Are the Causes of Tubular Breasts?
While the exact cause of tubular breasts is unclear, some doctors believe it occurs due to a genetic alteration of the breast tissue that likely occurs during in utero development. The effects do not become evident until puberty when the tissue in one or both breasts, fails to develop in an expected rounded manner. Others theorize that the deformity occurs due to collagen irregularities impacting the appearance of the breast.
How to Correct or Fix Tubular Breasts
While some women may not even know they have tubular or tuberous breasts, others are quite anguished about their breast appearance. In either case, cosmetic surgery can alter the size and shape of the breast leading to enhanced aesthetic outcomes. The procedure itself can be complex to gain ideal cosmetic results, and warrants treatment by a skilled plastic surgeon.
Moderate and severe cases of the deformity may involve reshaping the breast, balancing the areola size, and finally augmenting the breast tissue. The surgeon may also need to use specialized techniques to release constricted tissue and create new breast folds. No two cases are the same and each requires a keen aesthetic eye and expert surgical skill. Indeed, it is important to select a surgeon familiar with tuberous breast deformity to achieve optimal results.
How to Fix Tubular Breasts Naturally
Are you seeking solutions on how to fix tubular breasts naturally? Unfortunately, the truth is that there are currently no known natural methods to achieve significant and lasting results when it comes to correcting tubular breasts. Tubular breasts, characterized by a narrow base, constricted tissue, and an elongated shape, are primarily caused by congenital anomalies during puberty. Despite claims you may encounter online about exercises, creams, or diets promising a natural fix, it is crucial to approach these with caution. The scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is lacking, making it imperative to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who can provide professional guidance and realistic treatment options.
Because there is no way to fix tubular breasts naturally, the most reliable and effective course of action is to consult a qualified plastic surgeon with specialty experience in tuberous breast correction. These experts possess the specialized knowledge and experience required for breast procedures, ensuring comprehensive assessments, personalized treatment plans, and realistic expectations tailored to your specific situation. While there are no natural remedies to fix tubular breasts, surgical interventions such as breast augmentation or a combination of procedures can help achieve improved breast shape and symmetry. By seeking guidance from a board-certified plastic surgeon, you can ensure the best possible results and experience patient satisfaction. It’s important not to be swayed by misleading claims about natural solutions. Instead, focus on exploring effective and proven options with a trusted expert in the field who understands how to address tubular breasts properly.
Revision Specialist Scottsdale Arizona
Dr. Ashley Howarth is one of the best plastic surgeons in Arizona and well known for her skills to correct tubular or tuberous breasts. She is recognized for her attention to detail, high-caliber surgical skills and beautiful, natural results for women seeking breast augmentation.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in tubular breast surgery, Dr. Howarth is a leading expert and sees patients from across the country. If you are wondering if you have tubular breasts or have any dissatisfaction about the appearance of your breasts, the first step is to schedule a comprehensive in-office consultation. After the exam, Dr. Howarth can create an individualized plan to address your specific concerns and answer any questions you may have.
For many women in Arizona, Dr. Ashley Howarth is the plastic surgeon of choice for breast enhancement, revision, and correction procedures.
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