Asymmetrical Breasts: Surgical Correction Options

The term “asymmetrical breasts” refers to the condition where one breast has a different size, shape, position, or volume than the other. Breast tissue, in general, is dynamic and changes through a woman’s life, most dramatically at puberty, and then again with the hormonal changes of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause.

Similarly, breast tissue can change each month during ovulation, as breasts sometimes appear temporarily larger due to water retention and increased blood flow. A small variation between the breasts is completely normal, but when there is a significant difference, a woman may feel self-conscious or unhappy with her body.

In this article we will address some concerns women may have about their asymmetric breasts. We will also discuss available procedures that impact the aesthetics of this condition.

Asymmetrical breasts - Uneven breast revision Scottsdale AZ Plastic Surgeon

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What are Tubular Breasts?

Tubular breasts are a condition in which the breast tissue lacks volume in both the horizontal and vertical direction, leading to tubular or tuberous breasts. Some doctors also call this condition breast hypoplasia. In general, the breast tissue does not proliferate properly during puberty, leading to a breast deformity that impacts breast shape and at times the ability for a woman to breastfeed. Important to note, there is no health risk associated with tuberous breasts, however, some women seek to correct the condition by undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

In this article, you will learn what tubular breasts look like and how to treat the condition. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth is an expert plastic surgeon known for correcting tubular breast deformity with breast augmentation surgery in Arizona.

Tubular breasts or tuberous breasts

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Saline Breast Implant Rupture in Scottsdale

Saline breast implant rupture occurs when the implant used in a breast augmentation procedure sustains a leak, and the implant itself deflates in size. In general, saline implants have very long-lasting, durable qualities and most women will never experience an implant rupture. However, even when placed under perfect circumstances, implant rupture and deflation can occasionally occur.

The saline implant consists of a soft silicone shell filled with a saltwater solution called saline. The silicone shell of the implant can experience tearing or damage under extreme conditions. In rare cases, just as with any other medical device, the implant itself is faulty. Once ruptured, the saline leaks into the body, where it gradually, naturally absorbs over time. This is known as saline implant deflation.

There are a few different procedures that can address saline implant rupture, but the treatment of choice always involves surgical removal of the ruptured implant. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth is an expert at removing and replacing ruptured breast implants.

Saline Breast Implant Rupture Scottsdale Phoenix AZ

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What is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a complication that can occur after breast augmentation surgery with implants. Even the most highly skilled surgeons see cases in their patients because every single body responds uniquely to placement of an implant.

With any breast implant surgery, the body creates a capsule of scar tissue that surrounds and supports the implant. Recognized as a normal finding, the formation of the capsule helps keep the implant in place. However, in cases of capsular contracture, the capsule becomes unusually dense and contracts around the implant. This can lead to unwanted aesthetic changes, or when extreme, significant pain and distortion in the breast.

Capsular Contracture Treatment Scottsdale AZ

In this blog post you will learn what the breast implant complication looks like and the Baker stages of capsular contracture. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth is an expert known for correcting capsular contraction deformities in revision breast augmentation surgery in Arizona.

Capsular Contracture Baker Grade 4 IV

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What is a Double Bubble Breast Implant Deformity?

A double bubble breast implant deformity is an unfortunate breast implant complication that may occur following breast augmentation surgery. A breast with a double bubble deformity has a distinct appearance of a second bulge or bubble beneath the inframammary fold (IMF). A double bubble breast implant can generally only be corrected surgically. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Howarth is an expert known for correcting this defect in revision breast augmentation surgery.

To learn more about the double bubble deformity, read on. In this blog post you will learn what a double bubble deformity looks like and how to recognize if your breast has the deformity. Furthermore, you will learn what causes the double bubble and how to correct it through revision surgery.

What Does a Double Bubble Breast Implant Look Like

A double bubble breast deformity looks similar to the illustration above. Notice the presence of two folds beneath the breast giving the appearance of a second bulge or bubble beneath the breast. The crease below the breast is known as the inframammary crease or inframmmary fold. In a double bubble defect, two creases or folds are present.

Double Bubble Breast Implant Deformity

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Can You Transfer Fat to Your Breasts? Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation FAQs

Can you Transfer Fat to your Breasts?

More women are asking the question, can I transfer fat to my breasts? Fat-transfer breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure in which liposuction removes fat from one location of a woman’s body and transfers it to her breasts. In fact, some women consider this a win/win. Lose fat in trouble areas and gain volume in the breasts.

In contrast to augmentation with implants, fat transferring procedures provide an all-natural means of increasing breast volume. The procedure works best for women who desire a modest increase in breast volume and those who have minimal breast sagging. Additionally, breasts should have aesthetically pleasing skin tone and texture, for best results.

There are many questions women have about this procedure. In this article, we will address some of the most common questions regarding fat transfer breast augmentation.

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What is a Snoopy Breast Implant Deformity or Waterfall Deformity?

A snoopy deformity or snoopy dog breast deformity is a complication that can occur following a breast augmentation with implants. A breast with a snoopy deformity will have the distinct appearance of drooping breast tissue that falls below the breast implant. This gives the appearance of a sad looking snoopy dog with the nose pointed towards the ground. This deformity is sometimes also called a waterfall deformity, due to the appearance of breast tissue spilling over the breast implant like a waterfall.

We are unsure where and when plastic surgeons first began using the name “Snoopy” to describe the deformity of droopy breast tissue below a breast implant. The following illustration shows the resemblance between this breast deformity and the cartoon beagle. Snoopy is a registered trademark of Peanuts Worldwide LLC.

Snoopy Dog Breast Deformity or Snoopy Breast Deformity

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How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Are you a woman considering breast augmentation surgery and wondering how long breast implants will last? Or do you want to know when it is time to replace your breast implants? Just as there are a wide range of body types, as well as countless combinations of implant features, there are a variety of factors that impact the lifespan of a breast implant. Below we will discuss some of the different types of implants, as well as the elements that impact how long breast implants last.

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Breast Lift vs Augmentation

Breast Augmentation vs Lift

There are many personal reasons a woman might consider breast enhancement surgery. Improved physical appearance, increased self-confidence and the desire for a revitalized contour can all be factors in the decision. When contemplating any procedure, it is important to fully understand the different surgical terms involved, as many may be initially unfamiliar. Breast augmentation, breast lift and breast implants are three specific but related terms, commonly discussed in breast enhancement surgery.

Dr. Ashley Howarth is a board-certified female plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, specializing in cosmetic breast surgery. Trained at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Dr. Howarth can handle cosmetic breast procedures from simple to the most complex. The first step to any cosmetic surgery is an in-depth consultation, which is an opportunity to find out if you are a candidate for breast enhancement surgery and which surgical option is best for you. Dr. Howarth will explain the nuances involved in various treatment options so that you can make a well-informed decision. There are many questions to consider.

Breast Augmentation vs Implants vs Lift: What is the difference?

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Why Choose a Female Plastic Surgeon for Your Breast Augmentation?

Considering a Female Plastic Surgeon for Breast Implants in Scottsdale?

Many women prefer a female plastic surgeon for their breast augmentation in Scottsdale to add volume to their breasts with implants. Genetics, pregnancy, weight loss, and aging can all affect the size and shape of the breasts. If you are unhappy with yours, a breast augmentation procedure can help you reach your desired appearance.

Women seek breast implants in Scottsdale for various reasons: smaller breasts than desired, asymmetrical in shape or size, or changed by pregnancy or nursing. Dr. Ashley Howarth is a female plastic surgeon in Arizona offering breast augmentation and a range of other breast procedures, including breast lifts and reductions, tummy tucks, liposuction, and mommy makeovers in Scottsdale.

Types of Breast Implants

Depending on your specific needs, there are a few different types of breast implants. The types of breast implants available include:

  • Saline breast implants. These implants, like all implants, are made with a silicone shell. However, these implants are filled with saline. Saline implants are often considered the safest choice in case of a rupture. They are also filled after placement, resulting in a smaller incision and scar.
  • Silicone breast implants. Silicone implants are prefilled to a specific shape and size before use. Silicone implants closely mimic the feel of natural breast tissue and often have a more natural look than their saline counterparts. They also offer a range of options regarding texture and shape.
  • Gummy bear implants. “Gummy bear” implants are a specific form of silicone implant designed to maintain their position and shape better than other types. However, they do tend to be firmer than other implants.
  • Auto-augmentation with fat grafting. Patients who would like a breast augmentation procedure that does not include implants may be interested in fat grafting. This procedure involves removing fat from another area of your body and transplanting it into the breast and is a natural alternative to breast implants that does not require any maintenance.

Dr. Howarth will discuss these options with you and help you choose the best option for your individual needs, preferences, and expectations.

Female surgeon for breast implants in Scottsdale

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